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Bright Vision Action Plan

Nestled in the spectacular Victorian Alps, our strong, connected community offers residents and visitors the chance to gather, relax and enjoy adventures in the natural environment.

Sustainable insurance scheme

Work with business, government and insurance companies to develop a sustainable insurance scheme for Bright and District businesses considering commercial viability of members given rising insurance costs associated with climate change.

Winter Festival

Work with community groups and businesses and Council and lead a Winter Festival to increase number and length of visitor stays over the quieter months between Easter and September.

Short course/education

Work with the surrounding neighbourhood houses to deliver a range of short courses / education to meet the needs of member organisations, such as first aid, responsible serving of alcohol etc.

Investment/strategy prospectus

Develop an investment strategy to support existing businesses to value add, and encourage new businesses to establish in Bright and District, in partnership with Council, Regional Development Victoria and Tourism North East.

Key worker housing

Take a facilitating role the delivery of key worker housing in Bright and District.

Media Strategy

Develop a marketing strategy that focuses on Bright and District.

Business concierge and advocate

Partner with Council to deliver a ‘business concierge’ service to support the establishment of new businesses in Bright and District.

Advocacy document

Develop an advocacy document that covers the above initiatives, and includes BDCC’s position on transport, community education, housing, freight, child care, aged care and health care.

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